Monday, July 30, 2007 I'm it... -Sherry
TagI got tagged...and now....TAG, you are it!
4 jobs I have had: 1. Rec therapy intern- WestRidge Acadamy 2. mentor, Telos Residential Treatment, 3. mentor- State of Utah Early Intervention- JJS , Lifeguard- BYU
4 movies I could watch over and over again: 1. most any action movie, 2. Newsies and such. 3. Family home videos... does this count???, My little Ponies.... well, i used to.
4 places I have lived: 1. Tigard Or. 2. Provo, UT. 3. Invercargil, New Zealand. 4. Joao Pessoa, Brazil.
favorite tv shows: Don't really ever watch TV.. sorry
4 of my favorite places I have been: 1. Brazil, New Zealand, Switzerland, Costa Rica
4 favorite foods: 1. Ice Cream, 2. Tropical Fruits.... like mango and guava and pineapple. 3.Rice and Beans, 4. Mexican food... and steamed veggies
3 websites I check daily: 1. g-mail, 2. yahoo mail, 3. blogs
4 places I would rather be: 1. brazil, 2. Africa, 3. Exploring in some un charted wilderness, and 4. in a forest by a river with and hammock and a good book.

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