Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Turkey day!

Happy Turkey Day!

Today has been a great Turkey day thus far! We taught our early morning English class to make turkeys by tracing their hands and writing what they are thankful for on the fingers/ feathers. In our Employment course we had the class go around the room and talk about what is important in their lives and then we ate yummy grub. We actually went to a really old restaurant (built in 1894) in the historical district downtown and I had a turkey, pineapple, cream cheese and lettuce Sandwich. It was tasty and big. It was almost appropriate for the holiday as the restaurant was called Columbo, after Christopher Columbus. Although he really had nothing to do with Thanksgiving, he was a pioneer/ pilgrim, and therefore counts.
Oh, and next Thursday we will have a big Thanksgiving feast with the people we work with at the Employment Center. Yea!

On a completely unrelated topic, I have found a way for you to visit me without having to buy a plane ticket if you like. Google maps is amazing. I really recommend you checking out this link and reading the written driving directions. Oh, and you can take simple detours on the way to visit John in MO, Jimmy in GA, You'll enjoy it. Happy Turkey day!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

I like how it says swim accross the ocean for 5000 miles.. haha