Thursday, October 11, 2007

yea for Brasil!

By popular demand (blame Elizabeth) i have posted a picture of my iron wounds. Just be glad i'm not posting the close up picture. Again, please don't try this at home.

The time is flying way, way, way too fast!!! What are they to do? Work harder, and play harder.
As for Kali and Sherry, they started teaching a very fun English class called Super Rad English, notice the S.R.E. (initials for Employment Recourse Services in Portuguese) yep. It's pretty cool. The class is for the employees and volunteers at the center to get them to arrive on time, well the volunteers, at 8:00. We do lots of activities, are learning useful skills, a hymn and are focusing on a scripture that our manager wants us all to memorize in English, D&C 4:2.
We absolutely love the manager, Saul, the assistant manager, Carlos, and all around amazing other employee, Maria Jose, who pretty much does everything at the center. Without any of these people our experience would just not be the same. We are already dreading leaving them at the end.
As for our experiences of late, Kali has found much joy in the National Museum. She's pretty much enthralled with everything, literally, very much an anthropologic nerd. it was quite funny.
Sherry, on the other hand, had fun ironing her foot. Don't try this at home, it is painful. Third degree burns hurt.
Together they enjoyed being denied entrance to the national library as apparently you aren’t allowed to bring your own books. Who would have guessed?
Together they learned to do contacts with the help of the great Carlos. Now they "confidently" are able to look for job opportunities to post at the center.
An example of one of these such contacts was today at lunch, when they mistakenly thought the restaurant accepted credit cards, when in fact it only accepted debit. With their wit, beauty, and loose change they managed to talk to the manager and avoid doing dished to pay for their meal.
Kali had an interesting experience as a transvestite commented on her pretty eyes in an enclosed elevator. mrr?
Fortunately both have recovered from their recent unrelated illness are feeling on top of the weather.
On the extra positive side, their current favorite student rang the victory bell this week! The victory bell is a bell with a pleasant chime. As pleasant as the chime is, even more pleasant is the meaning behind it. One of their students from the previous week applied their wise teachings to his job hunt and found work. yea! (Sherry)Woot!( Kali)
As for now, the adventure of Kali and Sherry will continue. What will happen next? Stay tuned.


dre said...

this sounds like good!

Dickinson Family said...

Congrats to the bell ringer! Woo hoo! What a FUN class. You guys are doing awesom! Take care of your foot. Love, Mom

Dickinson Family said...

I'm dorry. Keep that from getting infected. Neosporin, Neosporin.


kalim said...

Sherry . . . . the term 'iron wounds' makes it sound like the iron was the aggressor. Actually you kicked it first, and it was just trying to defend itself.

Tammy said...

Sherry I learned not to touch hot iron's when i was 5 years old...I burnt myself and never touched one again. I was 5. you are 24. the end. lol

Lisa said...

this is why i refuse to iron

Larry and Michelle Dickinson said...


Heidi said...

smart move with the iron! haha hope its stop hurting